The Taste of Malaysia

Even if I try, its not easy to get rid of some sort of Malaysian influence in my life. Reason being, they were everywhere. In my college, as my friends, in my house- literally everywhere. So naturally I was dragged along to the one and only student- friendly Malaysian Restaurant in Chennai – ‘Nasi Kandar Pelita’. (Yea they all have weird names too.)

Over a course of five years, I’ve tried a lot of Malaysian delicacies, as most of them enjoyed cooking and they used to bring enough food to feed an entire village after every visit to Malaysia. Now their food is literally Multi-cuisine- there’s Indian, Chinese and Malay food. Sadly, in Chennai, we get only a bit of the Malay food. But something is better than nothing right?!

I was as confused as anybody else to learn that their breakfast is Rice. Yes Rice. White Rice, which is actually rice cooked in coconut milk. Its the most simplest thing I’ve seen, yet there’s something about the taste when you mix it all together and eat. The peanuts, sambal (gravy), tiny smelly fish, egg and cucumber with that rice.

As Nasi Lemak is a standard order for every Malaysian I know, the one thing I always have without fail is ‘Ayam Kicap’. Its basically just chicken in soya sauce. Except it tastes something entirely different from the chicken in soya sauce I tried to re-create (very bad idea). This sweet dish (literally) is best accompanied with some steamed rice or one can order it along with any other rice or roti varities.

I was wrong when I thought how fancy can it taste if tuna is stuffed in roti. Because it tastes amazing. And its called ‘Roti Sardine’.

Or chicken stuffing maybe? Its all simple stuff with just fancy names , like this one ‘Murtabak’ (say what?)

They have some pretty great chilled drinks as well. The ‘Milo Ais’ (Iced Milo) is the best from the lot.

One could also try the three-layered iced tea. (Not available in Pelita).

There’s so much more to Malaysian food than what I’ve mentioned above. But there’s only so little we are exposed to here in Chennai. The satay’s, sweet and sour pork, claypot chicken rice and so many more things my mundane self cannot pronounce or comprehend.

Also, thanks to my friends for always cooking my favorite Chicken Rice whi is not available anywhere in India.

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