China XO : The Dim Sum Heaven

If my Sister is reading this, she’s gonna be like, “So this is how you finish all your money”

*eyes rolling deeper than Adele*.

You know those restaurants in your checklist, some of them have been there forever and you just never got a chance to go. Maybe you were always broke (like 90% of the time) or maybe you just got caught up with the boring, mundane life and adult stuff. (responsibilities i mean). China XO at The Leela Palace was on the top of my list among these. So one day, the time and money fell into place and the next thing I know, I’m having the Dim sum brunch at Leela,

I’m not going to write an essay about their architecture or where they got the furniture from. Two words: Dim sums and Leela. Enough said. I got a lovely spot, with a good view. So the brunch works this way. There’s an alcoholic and non alcoholic one. They give you a menu that gives a good idea of what you’re in for. And everything is served on the table. That’s right. You don’t have to move a muscle except the ones in your mouth. So I go ahead with the non-alcoholic brunch.

It was like war. The food just kept coming like grenades. I kept telling myself  “No matter how full you are you gotta take a bite of everything on the menu”. I was successful, almost (well if it wasn’t for the judgemental looks from the waiter.) Inaugurated with a soup, and the dim sums were next in line. They served more than 8 varieties of dim sums, both veg and non veg (I remember pumpkin).

Once I gobbled the last dim sum on the table, the waiter brought the appetizers. (Wait what?)  Prawns, chicken, mutton- you name it, they have it. One certain crispy friend golden prawns were the highlight of them all.

Even thought I’m a strict non-vegetarian, I couldn’t resist the tofu starter they served, garnished with all things crispy and nice.

I knew I read steamed buns somewhere. And there it was. My freshly steamed Char-Siu buns(pork).

 My life was perfect, almost. And it was complete when the ‘Chee Cheong Fun’ arrived. Juicy prawns wrapped in a crispy something which was in turn wrapped in a soft outer layer. Slurrrp!

Even the muscles in my mouth were at the verge of giving at this point when i realized I’ve only had the appetizers so far. My main course and dessert were waiting. The waiter asked “So what shall I serve you mam? We have some choices of fried rice, noodles, sticky rice and some dishes to go along”. In my mind I said “Bring em alll!”. But what came out of my mouth was “Just bring a little of what’s best” (Remember I was telling about the judgemental looks?).

Finally polished off my meal with their desserts. They had only few choices, mostly fruit based and I was like “Oh Great, fruits. We meet again”. But I must say, even for an anti-fruit person like me, I found myself licking the last bits off the Fried Muskmelon from the plate.

Of course the bill wasn’t a treat to my wallet and sure did burn a big hole in it, but this meal was something i did not regret spending on. It came around 5,500/- for two people.

Zhai Jian!

(Thank You LaiKee for the Chinese lessons).

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