What Nobody told you about Living Alone

A girl living alone with a cat/dog is portrayed as one of the most depressing things in society today. Whoever says that has never really lived on their own. So let me take my precious little time to pen it down as to why living alone was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. And yes with a cat.

In the last 6 years of my life in Chennai, its only been one year since I’ve been living all by myself. While I loved my previous housemates, I’m glad I made the decision to stay back here by myself once they left for higher studies.

This picture sums up everything about living alone.


But I shall throw a little more light on the many amazing facts about living alone.



Yes. You get to wear what you want when you want, with nobody judging you. It is the birth of the “No pants Life”. And theres no going back once you’ve lived the underwear life. One of the toughest things I have to do every time I visit my parents and stay for a couple of days is WEARING PANTS!




You get to do the dishes as you please. No pressure. Keep it for days, weeks its your wish. Okay not for weeks maybe, unless you want to have worms crawling up your hands. Same goes for the laundry. But on the plus side, laundry does not start growing worms.


Yes its all yours. You dont have to share it with anyone. Can life get better than this?


You can just binge watch your favourite shows with pizza in your underwear on a Sunday and there’s nobody to judge you and your life choices.


Having pets kinda keeps you company when you need it but not too much. You’re technically having a company which is not human which is like the best thing ever. You could just talk to them, tell them anything and they don’t really bother you with their opinions. They just roll over and expect you to rub their belly.


Also when you do need human company you can always have people over. (and kick them out when you want to).

When there’s so much to living by yourself why will you want to give up that personal space and all the air you can get without them pants at home. Because its not socially acceptable to walk around half naked in Public, you could get arrested. And probably more than anything else this is what I’ll miss when I leave Chennai and move on to the next phase of my life. Marriage. Kids.

Lol jk, just more exams and studying.

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