Jonah’s Going Places

This review has been rather delayed, because I was waiting to have tried all their outlets before giving my opinion. I’m not Gordon Ramsay or Jamie Oliver to play the expert here but this is the only brand I’ve seen with multiple branches that serves a different cuisine at each branch. Not just is that impressive,…

The Vault : Bar Stock Exchange

One of those memorable Saturday nights that turned into mornings, with the people I’d cherish for a lifetime. The newest bar in town, Vault has already become the go to place where everyone’s Saturday night begins. Stationed in T. Nagar, Vault works on a unique concept compared to the other bars in the city. It…

La Cucina

Excuse my lazy self but this is such an old review and I was trying to finish off some pending posts atleast, before I get lazy again. The restaurant is at one of the busiest  roads in Kilpauk and thank God for their valet parking because the 5 seconds between you stopping the car and…

Meena Tai: A Maharashtrian Treat

The only news that I keep myself updated with are the newest restaurants in the city that has everyone going gaga about. So when I heard about this new venture which serves Maharashtrian cuisine I was excited. Sister chain of the Parsi restaurant ‘Batlivala and Khanaboy’ , Meena Tai has already been successful in creating a mark…

Chap Chay: The Raintree

It seemed like the entire human race had been to Chap Chay except me. So on February 19th 2016, the fateful day that was decided, I visited Chap Chay for dinner. It also happened to be my birthday. And you know what they say ” Birthday calories don’t count”. So it was my excuse to…

That Madras Place

While sitting around and discussing where to head to for lunch on Valentines Day, one of my friends suggested ‘That Madras Place’ and I could not find a reason to argue. Because nobody in the group had visited the place earlier and the menu looked quite interesting, our small group of 6 headed out with…

Mamagoto : Fun Asian Eating

I knew I had heard the name somewhere. Yes, this friend of mine asked me to try out this restaurant during one my visits to Bengaluru. So it seemed convenient when they opened their first outlet in Chennai, on Khadar Nawas Khan Road. I got an invite to try some of their finest stuff and…

Shaack – Redefining the Standards of Multi-cuisine

This is such a late review because I’ve been pretty busy doing almost nothing (I just forgot). The phrase “Better late than never” was invented especially for people like me. Well, today was the day it was destined to be. So few of us got invited to this restaurant called “Shaack” in Anna Nagar (Chennai),…

Everything Pondy

Pondicherry or Puducherry as its called now, is the first place that comes to anyone’s mind when thinking of a weekend getaway from Chennai. Driving down  is the best way to get there if you’re from Chennai, as the roads are pretty good. Depending on which route you take, you can even have a mini…

The Taste of Malaysia

Even if I try, its not easy to get rid of some sort of Malaysian influence in my life. Reason being, they were everywhere. In my college, as my friends, in my house- literally everywhere. So naturally I was dragged along to the one and only student- friendly Malaysian Restaurant in Chennai – ‘Nasi Kandar…

China XO : The Dim Sum Heaven

If my Sister is reading this, she’s gonna be like, “So this is how you finish all your money” *eyes rolling deeper than Adele*. You know those restaurants in your checklist, some of them have been there forever and you just never got a chance to go. Maybe you were always broke (like 90% of…